Friday, January 29, 2016

Im gonna show you how great you are

The great Muhamad Ali once said "I'm gonna show you how great I am" I too aspire to be great, perhaps the best magician that has ever lived. Is that possible? of course it is, if I put in the time the dedication, the sweat, and all my heart. But I'm here for something else, not only do I want to be great, I want to make every human being I come into contact great. I want to make it my mission to "Show you how great you are."

I don't know what dreams and aspirations you have but I want to inspire you and motivate you to follow them thru. I want to help you become the best version of yourself thru my passion,which is magic. You see the only thing stopping you is yourself, I want to use my magic to shatter the reality you live in. I want you to question your mind, to expand it, to believe that what seems impossible can be made possible. My dream is to change the world and make it a better place. It might sound unreachable but if I don't try to make it happen I would fail by default. I want you to realize that you will not make your dreams come true unless you're actively working on making them a reality.

I want to help you to accept your dreams and to do something about them. We at some point start keeping our dreams to ourselves because we are afraid others will disapprove of them or because they seem so unreachable that we don't even try to do something about it. I want to remind you that you're powerful, more powerful than you can imagine. I want to represent the idea that what seems impossible today can become your reality tomorrow. You just have to believe and work hard to obtain whatever it is that you wish to accomplish. Remember that everything is impossible until its done.

It was once impossible to believe that by the push of a switch we could be able to create light, that we could communicate with another human being half way across the globe, or that one day humans would reach the moon. Yet human ingenuity has harnessed  the power of electricity, created lightbulbs, made cellphones, and created rockets. Our minds are the only thing stopping us, if we just learn to expand our mind we can turn an impossible idea into a reality. It all begins by believing in yourself, and working hard to get whatever it is you desire. The moment you don't believe you can do something, the moment you decide something is impossible you have created a barrier which you will never be able to surpass, you will limit yourself. But the moment you decide to become unstoppable, that moment you start believing in yourself, that moment were you decide that nothing is impossible. You will realize that you're more powerful that you ever imagined. and you will be able to make the impossible, something possible.

"I'm gonna show you how great you are" I simply need you to believe in yourself and to give it your all! I need you to stop fearing failure, and to try new things, more importantly those things you dream of doing. Don't be afraid of what other might think, follow your dreams! They re yours and no one else's, start pursuing your own happiness instead of what others tell you that will make you happy.
Become unstoppable! Become the greatest version of yourself!

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